Flotation machine manufacturers specializing in the production machinery oil Yu sent a strong technical force, preferential and flexible sales policy, lifelong commitment to service, our products sell well throughout the country, are very popular. Professional flotation machine manufacturer, specializing in manufacturing, Yu hair dressing equipment plant please feel free to consult us on pulp flotation machine modifier importance of flotation machine is an important mining equipment, flotation machine by a V-belt drive motor driven impeller rotation, centrifugal vacuum formed, on the one hand inhalation of sufficient air and slurry mixture, while stirring the slurry with drugs, while refined foam, mineral adhesive foam on top of the surface and then float to the slurry to form miner alized bubbles. Ram height adjustment, control surface, useful froth scraped by the scraper. Magnet Tube
Large-scale mines in the flotation machine adjustment process in order to strengthen the role of the test, and the pulp surface of a variety of mineral components to be adjusted simultaneously, often used in conjunction modifier, flotation equipment specialists using several adjusting agent in the pulp of reaction product, in order to obtain good selectivity. Hydrophilic colloidal form in the mineral surface adsorption, hydrophilic mineral surfaces. Flotation of the polymer compounds used in practice in such a manner the main effect. For natural hydrophobic minerals such as molybdenite, talc, starch and other main type organic polymer molecule inhibition. Flotation equipment experts most of these organic molecules adsorb moisture expansion, by electrostatic attraction, hydrogen bonding or molecular forces adh ere to the mineral surface, the formation of colloidal hydrophilic membrane, resulting in mineral suppression.
Mining flotation machine operating adsorption layer on the role of intergranular Magnetic Head Pulley
Mining flotation machine operating adsorption layer Effect on intergranular three were listed as follows:
An adsorption layer on the electrostatic interactions between particles impact. Mining flotation machine work when the adsorbate charge, it is adsorbed on the particle surface, the surface potential can be changed directly affect electrostatic energy; neutral adsorbate although not directly affect the surface charge condition, but the impact of double-layer structure .
Second, the interaction energy of molecular adsorption layer effects. When the thickness of the particle surface must be considered molecular adsorption layer intergranular interaction energy between the impact and the adsorption material, adsorption material and molecular interaction energy between the particles. n52 neodymium magnets
Third, the spatial effects or steric effect. Process mining flotation machine operation when the two particles contact the adsorption layer, can generate the following several functions: (1) the adsorption layer is in contact with each other, may affect the adsorption equilibrium, causing the increase of adsorption or desorption. Because the adsorption process usually results in lower free energy, therefore, increase the amount of adsorption results in a surface to attract, results in a surface off the Annex exclusion. (2), contact the adsorption layer, the adsorption layer may cause the mutual compression adsorbate, the adsorbate free arrangement in space, be further limited. Flotation means arranged in such a restriction reduced the degree of disorder, or entropy values decrease, the system free energy increases, resulting in rejection of potential energy. Such action is called spatial effects or steric effect. (3), the adsorption layer structure is loose, the adsorbate may be interspersed with each other, so that the concentration of the adsorbate chain intergranular increase. When the role of the media and the chain is strong, chain interspersed between the chains must first rule out the media, causing an increase in system free energy, potential energy repulsion between particles, in which case the adsorbed layer interspersed impossible; when the medium and The role of weaker chains chain effect, the chain interspersed cause system free energy decreases, so that intergranular produce to attract potential that such action causes the adsorbed layer overlap each other in the flotation process for the job hydrophilic minerals, in addition to with starch, dextrin and other non-ionic poly mer, the polymer often used dissociative compounds, such as tannin, lignin, cellulose, etc., are the nature of the mineral surface, depending on the type of mineral and polymer nature, still mainly electrostatic attraction and hydrogen bond, chemical adsorption can occur, for example, tannin in calcite, dolomite, calcium and magnesium minerals tables for chemical adsorption. Since these hydrophilic colloidal polymer adsorption to mineral surface more hydrophilic, even pre-adsorbed on the mineral surface collector, may also be hydrophilic macromolecules collector cover shield the hydrophobic effect.
Mining flotation machine water moisture level standards
Mining industry flotation beneficiation flotation machine is the necessary equipment, and its flotation process requires a lot of indicators, such as hydrophobicity, can float, hydrophilicity, the most important is water wetness.
Long-term research trials introduces mining flotation machine wetting contact angle and phase quantitative relationship between the interfacial force. Therefore, anything that can have an impact on the interfacial tension of the factors that we can count on a solid surface wettability display effect. For example, various organic and inorganic flotation agent, and each of the active ions in aqueous solution can affect the interfacial tension. Description mine flotation tank wetting contact angle higher the value, the solid surface is moist and the lower the degree of Nirvana. It can be said that the stronger the hydrophobic solid surface, on the contrary, the smaller the wetting contact angle, the solid surface is wetted with water the higher the level, the hydrophilicity of the surface of this solid stronger.
Mineral surface hydrophobic stronger pull of the mineral particles Flotability better, on the contrary, hydrophilic mineral surface, the stronger the pull of mineral particles can float the worse. This means that, as long as the measured liquid surface tension and contact angle values, you can determine the level of mineral floatability. In fact, this is the ideal conditions of mathematical reasoning. So far, the only location in the static condition of the contact angles measured values. In addition, strictly speaking, the interfacial tension of the solid and interfacial energy are not equal. Common minerals in the water interfacial tension to the digital interface is much lower than that. Therefore, usually measured under static conditions as the evaluation value of the contact angle of the mineral surface wettability index.